Naturalgas heating equipment will gradually disappear from new floorsstarting in 2021
Inthe new regulations promulgated by the construction industry, therewill be measures to eliminate gas heating. But the implementationprocess will be gradual, and new regulations will continue to appearin this, rather than overnight, it is more likely that someregulations will be delayed...
Gasheating will disappear from building construction. It will be asingle-family housing from 2021 and a collective housing by around2024.
Thisis the main regulation of the New Environmental Regulations (RE 2020)for newbuildings proposed by the Ministry of Barbara POMPILI. Thisregulation better considers the results of greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions. For heated houses, the highest threshold is set at 2kilograms of carbon dioxide per square meter per year. The Ministerof Urban Housing Construction and Planning, Emmanuelle WARGON,explained that this threshold would actually exclude systems thatonly use natural gas. The law will take effect for the constructionindustry in the summer of 2021.
Forcollective housing, the threshold will gradually increase between2021 and 2024, it will be 14 kg of carbon dioxide/year/m², and 6 kgthereafter. If the energy consumption of the building is also verylow, then this will leave little room to install natural gas. Inorder to avoid extensive use of electric heaters (which is the riskof running out of natural gas), energy consumption thresholds willalso be set. Minister Barbara Pompiri commented that there is nobetter energy than energy that is not consumed.
Energy-intensivebuildings in France
RE2020 finally includes a heat wave comfort indicator that does notexceed degrees/hour, the use of bio-based materials and the analysisof its life cycle. Wooden frames for single-person households maybecome the standard in 2030. There is also no obligation here, butthe carbon footprint must be considered from the design stage. Theministry estimates that renewable energy will increase constructioncosts by 3-4% in 2020.
Thegovernment is vigorously promoting the ecological transformation ofthe construction industry, because the construction industry consumesa lot of energy in France. This sector accounts for 18% of greenhousegas emissions and 40% of final energy consumption. RE 2020 is good.But this shows the hell of delay. The first test of better energyperformance dates back to 2013. According to the 2012 standards, thebuilding has been constructed for ten years.
Theywill soon join the list of houses that the country and the communitycannot renovate. Experts from the High Climate Committee pointed outthat between 2014 and 2016, only 87,000 single-family homes wererenovated each year, allowing two or more energy levels to be added.Ironically, thisterrible report wasreleased at the same time that the government announced...