ARENHrequirements in 2021
Aspart of the ARENHmechanism, CREreceived a total of approximately 146.2 TWh of electricity from 81suppliers in 2021 (excluding the loss of supply from networkoperators and EDF subsidiaries), so at a price of 42 euros per MWh,The power allocated to suppliers remains at 100 TWh.
ARENH'sdemand in 2021 is slightly lower than last year's demand of 73suppliers (147.0 TWh). This can be explained in particular by theslowdown in competition during the health crisis and the expecteddecline in consumption in 2021 associated with this crisis.
ARENHrequires that suppliers that have undergone significant changes havedemonstrated their requirements to CRE in accordance with theprovisions of the CRE review clause 2020-277.
Therefore,CRE allocated 100 TWh of ARENH in proportion to the requirements ofthe supplier, but the EDF subsidiary has been fully capped (ArticleR336-18 of the Energy Code and review number: 2020-277 of CRE onNovember 12, 2020) . Each relevant supplier will receive ARENHequivalent to 68.39% of its requested volume. CRE will notify eachsupplier of its ARENH allocation.
CREreiterated to the French and European authorities the proposal toincrease the upper limit of ARENH, which is no longer suitable forthe current state of the French electricity market.